
值北影节汇聚国际影人之际,由龙跃中欧制片人协会与FIRST青年影展共同举办、伟世兄弟娱乐支持的“中欧影人交流派对”于2019年4月15日晚在北京FIRST电影馆举办。出席的影人包括来自和和影业、黑蚂蚁影业、阿里影业、大地影业、万达传媒、欢喜传媒、引力传媒、爱奇艺、华谊兄弟、Pinewood Studio、Perfect Village、Terra Mater Factual Studios等公司的业内同行, 以及来自多伦多国际电影节、远东国际电影节和各欧洲使馆的代表。

In the frame of the 9th Beijing International Film Festival, Bridging the Dragon and FIRST International Film Festival co-organized the Sino-European Networking Party, supported by VShine Brothers Entertainment on April 15. Film professionals from companies such as Hehe Pictures, Black Ant Film, Alibaba Pictures, Dadi Film, Wanda Media, Huanxi Media, Gravity Pictures, Hunan MangoTV, Iqiyi, Huayi Brothers, Pinewood Studio, Perfect Village, Terra Mater Factual studios, as well as representatives from the Toronto International Film Festival, Udine Far East Film Festival and other European institutions attended the event that took place on Monday evening in the FIRST Film Center.


左起:FIRST青年影展运营总监高一天、FIRST青年影展创始人宋文、龙跃中欧制片人协会创始人Cristiano Bortone、伟世兄弟娱乐合伙人廖圆圆、龙跃中欧制片人协会中国项目负责人张凡

自2015年始,龙跃同FIRST青年影展建立了长期合作关系,每年FIRST创投会上,龙跃会选择具有国际潜质的项目为其颁发“龙跃制片人特别奖”,获奖项目同时将选入龙跃中欧合作项目实验室,参与龙跃在北京及欧洲A类电影节期间的项目创作及制片辅导。往期的项目就包括《马赛克少女》、《孩子们》、《驯鹿》、《耻》等。活动中,龙跃创始人Cristiano提到,近年来中欧电影之间的合作越来越受到关注,整体合拍形式也呈上升趋势,这次的酒会不仅使中欧影人借北影节节点进一步交流,更是通过FIRST使更多的欧洲影人接触到了中国极具创造力和国际潜力的青年影人。FIRST青年影展创始人宋文表示, FIRST青年影展和龙跃多年来的合作关系非常珍贵,也是非常强有力的联手,而FIRST期待、也会一如既往地助力青年影人将作品推向国际舞台。本次活动的支持单位伟世兄弟娱乐合伙人廖圆圆说:“伟世兄弟和龙跃以及FIRST都有过合作关系。作为制作公司,伟世兄弟也会坚持创作以内容为导向的的具有国际视野的作品。另外,伟世兄弟的下一部长片《日常幻想指南》也在紧锣密鼓地筹备中,期待早日与观众见面。”

Bridging the Dragon has established a long-term partnership with FIRST International Film Festival since 2015. Every year the producer’s association will select one project with international potential from the First Financing Forum for the Bridging the Dragon Special Producer’s Award. The project will simultaneously be invited to take part in the Sino-European Project Lab, an immersive think tank coached by writing and producing tutors from both sides with two modules happening in Beijing and in Europe during one A-list international film festival. Past projects include Mosaic Portrait, The Children, A Touch of Warmth and Shame. During the party, Cristiano Bortone, founder and managing director of Bridging the Dragon, stated that,“In recent years, growing attention has been paid to the Sino-European co-productions, and the overall situation of cooperation is on the rise. This party, in collaboration with FIRST, not only enables Chinese and European filmmakers to further interact, but also engages European professionals to exchange with young and talented Chinese filmmakers bearing international potential.” SONG Wen, founder of First International Film Festival pointed out: “The partnership between FIRST International Film Festival and Bridging the Dragon has become extremely valuable over the past years. FIRST looks forward to and will continue supporting young filmmakers to bring their works to the global spotlight”. The supporter of the event, representative of VShine Brothers, LIAO Yuanyuan added:“ VShine Brothers has both worked with Bridging the Dragon and FIRST. As a production company, VShine Brothers will continue creating content-oriented works with an international perspective.”

今年的中欧合作依然稳中有进。2019年3月,意大利加入“一带一路”让我们看到了国家政策层面对中欧合作的支持。在出访意大利前夕,习近平主席于意大利媒体发表题为《东西交往传佳话 中意友谊续新篇》的署名文章,传递出希望看到更多意中文化合作,其中包括电影合拍的明确信息。过去的几年中,中国电影产业的高速发展和观影人群素质的提升都对影片的质量与更丰富的类型提出了要求,行业的波动震荡也在筛选过硬的内容和专业的团队。之于欧洲来讲,多部高质量的引进片与精品电影的翻拍都获得了惊人的中国票房,因此将成为下一轮中欧合作的重点。

The amount of Sino-European co-productions is continuously growing. In March 2019, Italy’s accession to the Belt and Road Initiative raised the level of support for Sino-European collaborations. Before his visit to Italy President Xi Jinping published a signed article in the Italian press expressing his hope to see more Italian-Chinese cultural cooperation, also speaking in favor of film co-production. The fast-paced development of Chinese film industry and the more sophisticated audience created the demand for higher quality and diversity of films in the past year. However, only solid content and professional companies can survive the present market fluctuations. Regarding Europe, a number of high-quality imported films and remakes reached surprisingly high box offices in China and will stay in focus of future Sino-European cooperation.


At the same time, a new generation of young audiences with more international preferences is emerging, which can be seen especially during the Beijing film festival when American and European films sell out within seconds. Hence, it is extremely important for future Sino-European film cooperation to support young film talents and to cultivate the cultural language of the new generation. FIRST International Film Festival is committed to the discovery and promotion of emerging filmmakers and their early works. FIRST has concentrated on filmmakers’ first features and early works. A vehicle of film cultures, FIRST endeavors to embed film viewing cultures into daily life.


Cristiano Bortone、导演陈德森与宋文


据悉,在接下来的一年中,龙跃中欧制片人协会除本身为两地影视公司提供会员服务,如咨询、联络安排一对一会面等内容外,也将继续与戛纳、柏林电影节等进行官方合作,在电影节期间组织中欧影人活动为双方提供更多沟通机会。其中,由戛纳电影市场与龙跃共同主办的“2019年戛纳电影节中外制片人见面会”也正在对参与者进行公开招募 。同时,第五届“龙跃中欧合作项目实验室”第一期(中国站)也将如期在2019年下半年举办。此外,龙跃通过“专业影视人才计划”,也将持续为更多有意和欧洲优秀专业技能人员合作的制作方牵线搭桥。

In the following year, besides providing membership services like consultation, liaison one-on-one meetings, etc. for film companies in both China and Europe, Bridging the Dragon will continue its official partnership with the film markets in Cannes and Berlin by organizing Sino-European themed events in order to provide more networking opportunities for both sides. Among them, the 4th Sino-International Company Meetings, hosted by Bridging the Dragon and Marché du Filmi is still open for applications. The next China session of the 5th Sino-European Project Lab will be held in the second half of 2019. Furthermore, the association will continue connecting more producers who are interested in working with outstanding European below-the-line talents through the “Bridging the Dragon Professional Talents” program.


As for FIFF,The film market segment including Financing Forum, Industry Screening, Forums, Industry Workshops, Producer Labs, etc., encourages more high-quality text and video content to actively enter the market chain and actively seek for viewing needs, and establish a pathway to the industry with the audience. Through public statements, internal viewing and one-on-one negotiations, the filmmakers and the industry professionals are guided to achieve professional, open and transparent video content transactions, and promote the value of various types of content, explore and release more possibilities with the cooperative model. In 2019, the FIRST Industry Screening submission channel has been opened. There will be 30 films and 15 film plans with commercial and artistic value to meet with industry professionals in Xining.
