
The Sea Is All About Us

Zhang Jiaqi | 2023 | | 15min | Short
Zhang Jiaqi丨Wang Hanxuan丨Liu Shuailiang 丨Cong Jingqi丨Weng Huizhong丨He Junyi丨Zhu Xinyu


As Dongshan Island has just lifted Covid-19 lockdown, Zhen, a 14-year-old girl living with her father on the fish raft, occasionally has the opportunity to accompany her friend Mei to go shopping in town. On the way, she secretly wants to go to the city to reunite with her mother…


Zhang Jiaqi

Zhang Jiaqi graduated from Boston University,majored in Film & TV and minored in theatre arts. She is currently studying in the MFA Film Master Program of Peking University School of Art. She previously worked with Prodigal Entertainment on the production of the Broadway musical JAGGED LITTLE PILLS.

Director's statement

In the past Covid-19 era, we all faced emotional dilemmas under a helpless social framework, like a fish trapped in a fish tank. For the girl who lives in the fish raft, the sea should have been free, yet it blocked her path to freedom. This sense of helplessness made me realize that the real world is a vast ocean composed of social rules. How far away is freedom from us? How far away are the people we long to see? This collective emotion may have turned into a sense of “strange times” today, but the loneliness and pain experienced by people during the pandemic should not be forgotten so easily.
