
Fish Park

World Premiere Chai Xiaoyu | 2018 | China | 106min | Fiction



Zhang xiaoyu called director Chai Xiaoyu and said he was not confident of playing the role in the film. Chai’s classmate Li Haifeng comes to Beijing with his girlfriend Yanyan from Guangzhou. Yanyan comes to Beijing to study violin and longs to enter a professional orchestra. Although Haifeng comes to Beijing for accompanying Yanyan, he is also secretly dating his ex-girlfriend since he is in Beijing. Haifeng began to worry that Yanyan may be cheating on him. There was always a sense of distrust between them. One night, Zhang and Yanyan have sex behind Haifeng’s back, and on the same night Haifeng and his ex-girlfriend hold hands on a taxi. Haifeng is surprised when he sees Yanyan and her professor walking out of school, but he doesn’t say a word. He just runs past them. Zhang and Chai discuss how to handle the relationship and love in the play. Zhang was gradually persuaded by Chai and became more and more interested in the character in the script.



Chai Xiaoyu

Born in Beijing in 1986, Chai Xiaoyu graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology. He was the first AD for Song and Moon (2011), The Spring of My Life (2014) and DP for documentary Into Tibet (2013) and several commercials.

Director's statement

I saw the “bubble” emotion in urban life, and there were so many absurd love, family ties, and friendship when I grew up. What is the reason behind this? Is it the rapid development of the times or lack of culture? I want to make a film to explore this issue.
<Fish Park> Trailer