
Save The Destiny

Ma Xiaoping | 2019 | China | 106min | Fiction
Director:Ma Xiaoping | Producer: William YANG


A thief accidentally enters a blind girl’s home. He wants to take a chance and steal something, but unexpectedly finds someone trying to forge an accident and murder the girl when she takes shower. Chatting with the girl, the thief learns her husband is having an affair and forcing her to divorce but the girl refuses. The thief thinks it must be her husband setting a trap to kill her, and decides to help the girl. Just at this time her husband comes back. But the thief hasn’t realized he has already fallen into a trap after stepping into this room.


Ma Xiaoping

Ma Xiaoping, male, Han nationality, born in Sichuan, 1984, loves movies, has been working as a film and television photographer before.

Director's statement

Save the Destiny is China’s first one-shot suspense film. The film has only one shot in the whole 87 minutes, and we hope to tell a good story with this one real shot.

Stealing, infidelity, murder, resurrection, rape, suicide, in this room full of good and evil, love and hate, who is the real murderer? Is he/she saving others or oneself?

In the film, the root of all these evil comes from love. Love represents the essence of human civilization. Love is great yet selfish. It is a kind of giving, courage, but also sacrifice. For their children, parents could violate their own conscience, be insulted and even be willing to end their life.

What will a thief, a gambler, and a pair of parents choose to save their destiny between law, morality, life and children?

<Save The Destiny>Trailer