
Slow Singing

World Premiere Dong Xingyi | 2020 | China | 107min | Fiction
Dong Xingyi | Li Shangpeng | Zhang Liang | Zhang Zongji | Yang Hong Qiang | Yang Xuefen


It tells the story about the protagonist Junsheng shortly after he is released from prison. After returning home, an estrangement occurs between him and his hometown. He had left his town for only two years, but he believes that he is still the toughest young man in the village. After various sufferings, he finds that the seemingly short two-years is an unbridgeable gap.


Dong Xingyi

Dong Xingyi is a 34-year-old independent filmmaker from Anyang, Henan. He graduated from Tianjin Academy of Arts in 2011, and then worked at Chinese Education Channel. From 2012 to 2014, he worked for Leihe Culture Media producing documentaries, and started producing films independently afterward. In 2017, Dong’s script was selected in FIRST Financial Forum’s 30 annual projects. SLOW SINGING is his first independent film.

Director's statement

This is the first feature film of my own after returning to my hometown, Anyang. I have only lived there for 9 years, on Mudan Street of Anyang. However, the local customs and practices there have shaped my personality, habit, and infiltrated my blood. Sometimes I feel lucky that I could be born and raised in the most ancient yet common village. It provides me with other perspectives, and I could put myself in other’s shoes or think from the ground up. Nowadays, here exists the combination of vigorous vitality, desire, confinement, beauty and ugliness. I believe that every detail is worth expressing into forms of art, and I am willing to be an idyllist and a part of the Chinese film history in creating the most vulgar poem.

<Slow Singing> Trailer