I am Air

Zhu Yi | 2021 | China | 4min26sec |


This is the dialogues between the world’s air and people in the future, will people be the master of the world, or are they just parasites of the earth? Let the air tell you.
Husserl proposed that existence is the object requirement of consciousness. In the future, the consciousness of the air will become a system that can be experienced, and humans will be able to dive into it. However, this system was created for the purpose of changing you at this moment.
The film attempts to explore the balance between humans and nature. Through speculative narrative way, consciousness substitution is used as story clues, quantum eraser experiment and Newtonian classical mechanics are used as theoretical basis, across the boundary between reality and virtuality. Try to guide the audience to have a new perspective on nature and behavior after the visual experience.


Zhu Yi

Zhu Yi, filmmaker and artist, born in Shanghai. Now studying at the Royal College of Art in the UK, majoring in moving image design.