Leaping Over the Dragon Gate

World Premiere Xiao Yifan | 2019 | China | 112min | Fiction
Xiao Yifan | Hua Long | Gao Fan | Zhang Haozhe | Sun Xiao | Song Ge | Zhang Mingxi | He Xiwei | Zhang Guowei | Duan Qiong | Zhao Dongfei | Wo Zhiqiang | Li Tao


An extremely decayed body was discovered in a dry well in a wasteland. The police quickly spotted the main suspect and used phone records to arrest the accomplices thinking that the case would be closed in a short time. However, the main suspect vanished. After a long period of strict investigation, the police finally discovered that the main suspect had already been cremated by his victim. In the face of conclusive evidence, the murderer eventually confessed his crime.


Xiao Yifan

Yifan Xiao was born in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor's degree. Then worked in art department for films and television productions from 2008-2012. In 2013, he pursued further studies at the New York Film Academy, and after graduating in 2016, he returned to China to pursue a career as a director. His feature film LEAPING OVER THE DRAGON GATE was nominated at the 14th FIRST INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL and won the Best Director Award.

Director's statement

This is a story about hiring killers to murder. But it is not as simple as you’d imagined. The employee, the killer, the victim, the police officer, their roles may suddenly switch. But something is not changed–that they are still ordinary people like us. The story also expresses how people face different desires inside their heart. The desires are like a gate that everyone wants to cross. They believe that they will live a great life after satisfying their desires, but they tend to go the wrong direction, and thus crimes happen.