
Love Poem

Asian Premiere Wang Xiaozhen | 2019 | Hon Kong, China | 114min | Fiction
Wang Xiaozhen | Zhou Qing | Wang Dixuan | Fan Bingrui | Hu Mingyang | Zhou Qing | Wang Xiaoshuo | Zhou Shiquan


In China, a young couple and their baby leave the city to pay a visit to their sick grandfather in the countryside. The husband, who is also the director of this movie, transformed the husband-wife relationship into a film set in the suffocating space of a car. The relationship shatters into a thousand pieces. Love and filmmaking are interwoven here to provide us the account of a moving ‘echo’.


Wang Xiaozhen

Wang Xiaozhen, born in 1989 in Linqu, Shandong, is a film director, actor, and screenwriter. Founder of Beijing Non Media Culture Communication. His work AROUND THAT WINTER(2013), was the opening film at Beijing Independent Film Festival and won Best First Feature at CIFF. In 2019, his LOVE POEM was screening at Visions du Reel.

Director's statement

The movie LOVE POEM is to let me face myself honestly. Up till now, I made movies more to pursue fame and wealth. In this ‘film’ and ‘the art’ game, I exhausted myself in order to be better than others. All of which I’ve done are for ‘others’. I hope to get rid of these, if I can. I hope to stay away from that self by making more movies.

<Love Poem> Trailer