
How Bad Is Your Nearsightedness?

Wu Tang | 2020 | | 4min48sec |
Wu Tang | Li Xiaoyan | Wang Peiyuan | Xia Dong | Xiao Fei


It was nighttime in the city, two passengers encountered through a carpooling service. The short journey lighted up a moment of exhaustion as the summer fireworks glitter by the water that only ends too soon. In such a metropolis, they would never meet again. Like NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft which spent 9 years to just whoosh past Pluto and have a brief glance, the real mystery of the universe is to say ‘Hi’ and ‘Goodbye’ at the same time.


Wu Tang

Wu Tang studied Film at Warwick University. She lived a mundane life for many years in the UK. She decided that if life is to be wasted then it should be wasted on making films, therefore she is now a director.