
The Film Makers

Ding Yinnan | 1988 | China | 90min | Fiction
Ding Yinnan, Miao Yue, Yu Xiaoqun, Fu Kan, Kang Erjin, Tan Xiaogang, Zhou Xiaoyuan, Huang Mingguang, Zhang Wenlin, Si Qingaowa, Han Tongsheng, Xin Ming, Kuang Ping, Xiong Yuanwei, Pu Chaoying


A film crew is working intensely, but not on a high note. Everyone on the production team had different opinions, and the director Gai Yu was also a mess. The script only presented an idealized image of life and not shadowing our actual life. After the edited script, will their film mimic the truth of life, and will the audience find their true self from the film?
The film crew temporarily lived in the basement of the hotel, which became the world of filmmakers where they could live unconstrained. The producer was running all over the place trying to cut their spending under the budget. The leading actress Shuhua was performing traditional small acts to help maintain the living conditions for the crew, however, was made fun of by the audience. MoMo, trying to present the truth of life through the film, discusses the script with Gai Yu endlessly. Among the chaos, the crew was able to finish the filming and everyone was able to then move on to their separate roads…


Ding Yinnan

Ding Yinnan is a director from Tianjing who graduated from Beijing Film Academy majoring in directing. He has worked at the Guangdong Providence Drama Group as well as the Zhuhai Film Studio as a director. In 1979, he directed the narrative feature CHUN YU XIAO XIAO with Hu Bingliu, which had won the Youth Innovation Prize awarded by the China Ministry of Culture. In 1982, his film NI GUANG had gotten the 3rd Golden Rooster Award for best cinematography. With a series of film including DR. SUN YAT-SEN, ZHOU ENLAI and DENG XIAOPING, Ding has become one of the most important biographical film directors in China. DR. SUN YAT-SEN, won the 7th Golden Rooster Award for Best Feature Film and Best Directing, the 10th Hundred Flowers Awards for Best Feature Film, as well as the Outstanding Film of the Year Award by the Ministry of Radio Film and Television in 1986.

Director's statement

THE FILM MAKERS has a temperament of awe. It is full of laughter, anger, and its ending leaves you with pity and distress. A kind of sorrow surrounds the audience. The reason why I describe it as this, is because of my true experience. As a director, ever since the second you start your journey of innovation, millions of difficulties await. At the end of the hardship comes the release of the film, and thus starts the endless cycle once again. Though I ask myself: of which person of noble aspirations did not stumble through the same road? This is the practical significance of this film.