
The Spring Breeze Kisses Me

Shu Hui | 2021 | China | 30min | Short


When Yanan, who majors in screenwriting and directing, is lost for his final year project, he returns to his hometown, where his family runs a food store near manufacturing factories and middle schools. His original plan is to shoot a documentary about the life of the less-privileged youngsters in a small town. However, as his project goes on, he finds something unusual about a girl who works for his family. The ulterior yearning deep in his heart begins to unfold…


Shu Hui

Shu Hui, graduated from the Central China Normal University with a BA in digital media technology. He has been working mainly as an editor. This is his debut work as a director.

Director's statement

This is a narrative short film in the form of a documentary. We try to add more elements from other genres into the film with a rough and realistic tone. We hope to explore more possibilities of the pseudo-doc short films. Through the perspective of the participants, the film reveals the struggling life of a less-privileged young man, who strives to climb up the social ladder and is unable to win the woman he loves.