A Dog under Bridge

China Premiere Tang Lihao | 2022 | China | 12min | Short


In a humorous way, the film is presented from the point of view of the “dog” to portray the resignation of “me” seeing the conflicts between humans and life.


Tang Lihao

Tang Lihao was born in Hangzhou in 1994. He graduated from China Academy of Art with a BA in animation in 2016, and then with an MA in 2021. His representative works A STORY OF PEAR and A DOG UNDER BRIDGE has won awards at home and abroad.

Director's statement

A DOG UNDER BRIDGE is an animated short film based on my personal experience living alone during my master’s studies, which lasts 12 minutes and 44 seconds. The film is about a day of a stray dog living alone under a bridge in the park. The bridge where the story takes place is not far from where I actually live. I often go there for random walks, and ideas for this story gradually took shape. While most people of my age were working day and night for their careers, I woke up every morning and did nothing but wander around in this deserted park together with the elderly. Naturally, in the beginning, I found it hard to fit in with the surroundings. The main inspiration for creating A DOG UNDER BRIDGE is to eliminate this strong sense of insecurity. As time went by, I began to find myself comfortable appearing there at that time and imagining what lives at the park would look like from the perspective of a stray dog. I enjoyed my dual identity as an outsider to this place and an integral part of this morning scene.