
A Normal Afternoon

Real Zhao | Ying Zhaoyi | 2020 | China | 5min |
Ying Zhaoxuan | Real Zhao | Chen Yinzhou | Luo Qian | Ma Siqi


A young girl uses studying as an excuse to visit her friend. She feels nervous, though she doesn’t know why. Things she sees in her friend’s house becomes vivid in her mind, and the visit also turns out of control.

超短片 寻常傍晚 赵心悦 ZHAO XINYUE

Real Zhao

Real Zhao is a filmmaker. Her work includes stop-motion animation I QUIT.


Ying Zhaoyi

Ying Zhaoyi works in theatre. Her works include stop-motion animation I QUIT, short film OCEAN CROSSER and A NORMAL AFTERNOON.