
A Wolf on Watch

World Premiere Dasung | 2022 | China | 103min | Fiction
Dasung|Lu Xiaowei|Xia Wei|Chen Shaofeng|Wang Donghe|Ma Cong|Wang Yaode


Wang Wei, a university undergraduate and company trainee preparing for a business trip, is illegally detained by a neighbor couple with a gangster. After a night of wrangling, Wang Wei finally escapes the control of the outlaws and regains his freedom.



Dasung, born in August of 1992, graduated from Northwest Minzu University majoring in Digital Media Art in 2015. In 2021, he wrote and directed his first feature film, A WOLF ON WATCH.

Director's statement

This film is based on true events. One night, the protagonist Wang Wei was about to go to bed. He had an early trip the next morning to participate in a short film competition, the jury’s president of which was the Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami. The English title of the film is taken from Abbas’ collection of poems, and is called A WOLF ON WATCH. This story is not special, and it happens everywhere in everyday life. We cannot and should not standidly by in the face of similar violence. Life should not be ignored, as it is closely related to each of us. This film is shot in one take for the following reasons: first, this is a story that occurs in a closed space, and one shot maintains the story’s rhythm and character performance, and makes the emotions in the film more continuous and smooth; second, this format is not about style, nor is it because of an obsession with long shots. This is a low-budget film, so the most important thing was to create this film with a limited budget. It is an anti-hero film. Don’t be a hero, be a human.