How I Grew Up

Liu Yufei | 2021 | China | 7min | Short


There are many unobserved emotions in us. In this film, “I” has a feeling of fear of being doubted by others because of a cup of coffee that has not been thrown away. The whole film revolves around the observation of this emotion. By depicting four trivial events that happen when “I” is growing up, we trace the reasons for the formation of the emotion. Finally, “I” sees what the emotion exactly looks like.


Liu Yufei

Liu Yufei was born in Zhejiang in 1999. He graduated from China Academy of Art with a bachelor's degree in 2021. Currently, he is working and living in Hangzhou.

Director's statement

The submitted short is my undergraduate project completed in cooperation with two classmates (Cen Yike and Li Jiawei). This film is an observation of one’s own emotions.